Swingin' Grandpa, courtesy of Ida                                                    Covert encounters in the Gros Ventre Wilderness, western Wyoming. Look for the kitty.
Welcome to Noah Marcel Sudarsky's archive. Here you'll find some old-fashioned links to things visible online somewhere or other. Or salvaged from unlikely places. Published articles, essays, short stories, and a doc about a "mini run" to Hudson Bay. The above menu include some additional coverage, which is mostly redundant. Enjoy, overly ionized explorers of the quantum biosphere. I don't have a comments section, but notes are appreciated. noah.sudarsky@gmail.com

The Spring 2024 edition of the New England Review features a story I penned, "Peter Piper and the Celtic Viper" Nice to be in print, but there is no direct link to this story. One must buy a copy of NER. (or email me for a pdf).

Where do those tantalizing cardinal points lead the unwary scribe? (Aaaaah...) 

Desperate Amid the Rubble--The New York Times

photo Noah Sudarsky


This Earth Island Journal feature about mountain lions was the culmination of years of fieldwork across the western US, from the northern Rockies to the Sonoran and Mojave deserts. Meow.


Fiction... The Jan 2020 issue of the Brooklyn Rail featured my hereditary NYC noir:


A cover story for the NY Times City Section captured something about life in Alphabet City during the initial gentrification phase. For a while, Heathers was a hearty pitstop for local artists and the LGBTQ community. 

The New York Times: The Sound and the Fury, by Noah Marcel Sudarsky

Looking east from the roof of the erstwhile Heather's bar, on a quiet evening. Pre-Liberté Tower. photo NMS


Explorersweb.com. Driving a convertible to the southern flank o' the Arctic. Extremely cold 


And now for a little something about a dog... Woof! This story fetched Causeway Lit's non-fiction prize! 


Winner of the Fall 2017 Non-Fiction Contest

December 1, 2017

There’s no cutesy way of saying this: yesterday, just as our daily walk in the hills was nearing its bucolic climax, Hazel... 

The German poet and novelist Marcel Beyer dwells on avian obsessions, behaviorism, and the nature of memory in Kaltenburg.

While shopping for a Christmas tree in Berkeley, I happened across a man telling his son a story about a certain very special Christmas on the Lower East Side, which I had just left for the West Coast. He asked me to help document the moment. A most riveting and inspiring NYC tale:


New York Press: The Lake District in Central Park, and ice skating with Rick Moranis:

Not long before the Moranis piece (what happened to you Rick?): The first article I ever published in America (which I never saw in print because it was before internet and I had moved to France by the time it ran) somehow appeared in my Google drive as I was trying to locate my doctor! About another pandemic and who literally made a killing on it... (I broke something here. The NYT later covered the same topic.)


And now for some creative relief in the age of planetary carnage . . .

The theatrical and literary legacy of Edgar Oliver--review of East 10th St (Self Portrait with Empty House) in The New York Press:

Ludovic Duchâteau: In Dreamland at A Stark Project (Daily Serving)

Ludovic Duchateau. In Dreamland, 2016; installation view, A Stark Project, Berkeley. Courtesy of the Artist and A Stark Project.


Phoebe Alexander Sudarsky was born on June 22, 2010.  'Twas the longest day of the year.

Good Parenting? A little talk with the baby brain specialist in

Good Times Santa Cruz!


Essays & Political analysis: 

Le Pen the elder, and the story behind the most shocking French Presidential election of All. 
Populism, Prejudice and the Rise of the Extremes.  Tikkun  Magazine 

My Salon.com features from the early years.

Analyzing Arafat's Reaction to 9/11, the Historical Context (or: why we made Islamic fundamentalism a reality, 'cause it didn't have to be that way):


In the buildup to the Iraq War, France cuts loose, and Europe follows:


Europe's Declaration of Independance, Part II:


More Salon.com articles:

Xenophobic National Front leader makes it to the French Presidential final:


In NYC, the aftermath of 9/11 was a little messy at times, and we didn't all get along:


My 2014 mountain lion feature! My First FB hit!


All my Salon.com articles can be accessed directly through the website:


For the French speakers: Op-Eds in the daily Libération on freedom of speech, the housing shortage, and the Napoleonic Code:



More in Tikkun: 

(My friends at Tikkun asked me to comment on the Swiss Minaret ban. Glad to help out)

An investigative foray for the Village Voice: Underground icon Dean Johnson died under strange circumstances, but DC cops didn't think so.


 Art Coverage (The Village Voice, Whitehot, The NY Press, The Onion,  New York magazine, Artscape, The East Bay Express, Whitewall magazine, Publisher's Weekly, and more...) 

Representation Does Not Cease to Amaze:

 Jazz-minh Moore's Solo Show at Lyons Wier Gallery, reviewed in Whitewall Magazine's Spring 2012 Issue

Jazz-minh Moore, Michelle, Call Me.  Acrylic on birch, 2008. Courtesy of the artist 

Giving Face: Portraits for a New Generation. 
Curated by Stephen Heighton.

Nick Cave    
Mixed media  

Werkstatte Gallery's Kunst Gruppe Exhibition -- The Village Voice

Dave Egger's hit show "Lots of Things Like This" at Apexart--The Onion

Kurt Vonnegut, Trout's Tomb, 2004, silkscreen on paper


Ash Reiter brings the house down at the Starry Plough!


             Let's share the stick.  No kidding.  Read all about it!                                                  Hudson Bay or Bust!  Brrrr....